Visit of Sugiuchi Masao 9D and Sugiuchi Kazuko 8D

Milano Go Club, 9th October 1999


Sugiuchi Masao, 9D and Sugiuchi Kazuko, 8D, while visiting Italy with their daughter and a friend have been so kind to come and visit  the Milano Go Club accompanied by Shigeno Yuki 2D. They are the strongest Professionals married couple of Japan.

Sugiuchi Masao became 1D in 1937 and reached 9D in 1959. He has been challenger to the Honimbo title twice and he won the 7th IGo title. He has played several times both in the Meijin and in the Honimbo leagues. Thanks to his model style he has once been nicknamed "The God of Go".

Sugiuchi Kazuko became 1D in 1942 and reached 8D in 1983, she has been the first woman to reach such a high rank. She has won several editions of the Women Championship, Kakusei Cup and the female Meijin. She is sister of other two strong female Professionals, Kusunoki Teruko 7D and Honda Sachiko 6D.

Click on the pictures to see them full size.

In the picture our welcomed guests together with the President of the Italian Federation, Oka Isamu, and of the Club, Fernando Fernandez.
Our guests have been very kind offering to meet and play simultaneous games.
In the photo Sugiuchi Masao.
In the photo Sugiuchi Kazuko.
In the picture, Oka Isamu teaches to a new player.
Shigeno Yuki  with some participants to her course.
Many people took the opportunity of playing a simultaneous game.
The precious help of Yuki and Isamu allowed us to better communicate with our guests.
Sugiuchi Masao playing Arai Kozo (a Japanese friend who often visits Italy) and Paolo Montrasio, concentrated on his next move.
A general view of the Club.
There is the chance of playing with one of the strongest female Professionals of the world.
The game becomes difficult.
Shigeno Yuki teaching.
It's time for comments.
Our guests visiting  the Club's library
They have been surprised because of the vast number of books.
They also appreciated the collection of Go magazines from many different countries..
It's time to say goodbye.
The ritual signature of the "memory book".
To remember this nice day.
Sugiuchi Masao 9D, Sugiuchi Kazuko 8D Shigeno Yuki 2D,  Arai Kozo and Oka Isamu.
At the end we took a group photo.



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