Il Congresso Europeo previsto in Turchia, anche a causa delle ridotte preiscrizioni, è stato annullato su indicazioni della Federazione Europea, nonostante le rassicurazioni degli organizzatori sulla sicurezza. L'EGF ha valutato una sede alternativa che annuncerà a breve.
Della questione se confermare il Congresso in Turchia era stato discusso in Assemblea Generale EGF 2016, ed in quella sede la location era stata confermata.
Ecco la lettera degli organizzatori:
Dear Go Players,
I am very sad to announce that we, the organising committee of EGC 2017 Turkey have decided to step back from organising the event. We apologise deeply to everyone who is inconvenienced or disappointed by this decision in any way. It wasn’t an easy decision to make for us and we didn’t come to it on our own. We followed the guidance and recommendations of the EGF Executive Board. EGF will shorty announce where the congress will go to. All those who payed and registered for the congress will have the right to have their money transferred to the new organisers or if they decide not to go, ask their money back.
We do not think that Turkey is dangerous to visit but apparently a significant portion of european go players have a negative perception about the safety conditions in Turkey. As a result of this perception many players will not come and this will affect everything about the congress from its budget to its quality. Also those who come will not be able to meet many of their friends from earlier congresses. Overall it seems that it would become a less than perfect congress experience for everyone.
We do hope that we will have an EGC in Turkey within a few years time.
With My best Regards
Kerem Karaerkek
President TGPA
Head of 2017 EGC Organising Committee