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Il Centro di Go Europeo (EGCC) chiude
Segnaliamo che il Centro di Go Europeo (EGCC) pare chiuderà a breve per motivazioni economiche, come da notizia sul sito della Federazione Olandese, ripreso in un thread di Life in 19x19
Ecco la traduzione inglese disponibile:
Sad but true, the EGCC will stop existing in its current form. The European Go Cultural Center, the EGCC, was founded in 1993 in Amstelveen with a gift from mr Iwamoto Kaoru and had as its purpose the spread of the game of go in Europe. The business model of the EGCC was generating income through renting out the building and organizing large international go events. In the past few years, that worked less and less well: Income went down while expenses for maintenance, heating and furniture rose. Due to that, not enough time could be spent on the EGCC's main purpose, spreading go in Europe, and the EGCC ended up losing money year after year.
This was not an acceptable situation for the EGCC and the Nihon Kiin. Therefore, the decision has been made to sell the building in consultation with the Nihon Kiin, EGF and EGCC.
The building has been sold and must be emptied by the end of the year.
The proceeds of the sale will be used by the Nihon Kiin to repay a loan on the building, and for the Iwamoto European Go Fun, a new organization which will support go projects in Europe in the coming years. In this was, the dream of mr Iwamoto will be continued in Europe.
This has been a difficult decision to make, but we saw no other way forward.