Welcome to the Milano Go Club!

If you happen to come to Milano for some time or even just for one day, you should take the opportunity to meet new friends and play Go at our Club where you can also find a library with Go books and magazines in almost all european languages.

We generally meet meet on Saturday afternoon (15.00-19.00), please enquire for confirmation and for all details on how to reach the playing site.
If you need to contact us, please do it by e-mail or by phone to Fernando Fernandez tel.+39-02-316896 (office) or +39-347-9386734 (mobile)

Some pictures of events organized by the Club, and of foreign guests who have visited the Club are listed in the FOTO section.

Some useful information about the town of Milano are available in the INFO section.


Copyright © 1999-2005 GoClub Milano.
per problemi con queste pagine : webmaster