Go Promotion in C.so Vittorio Emanuele

Milano, 28th May 2000


On Sunday 28th May 2000, in a very central street, the second edition of the promotional event "Giochi in C.so Vittorio Emanuele" took place. During the whole day people could take part in several tournaments and games demonstrations organized by many Clubs and National Associations.
Also this year the event has been a success and the stands of the Italian Federation and the MIlano Go Club have been very crowded all day long. The fact that also several children came to play their first games has been very satisfactory, hopefully we'll meet soon some of our new friends at the Club.

Here are some pictures of this event

Click on the pictures to see them full size.

Early in the morning, setting up the stands

Some of the first visitors are children


Also some Japanese tourists stop to play with us. Ramon Soletti has found a strong opponent.. 


Children always learn easily

Marco Barbiero has helped a lot, all day teaching and playing.

During the afternoon there has never been some rest for those who were teaching, the stands have always been full.







In the late afternoon Corso Vittorio Emanuele goes back to its usual appearence, hopefully we'll be there again next year.



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